The cage.
The model you create is called the cage and the subdivision surface modifier will, if you have modelled everything well, create versions of your model at one of several possible subdivision levels within the this cage.
It is the vertex count on this cage without a subdivision surface modifier which is used when describing the weight of geometry. The vertex count displayed in blenders information panel is the common measure of its "weight", and it is this figure that other artists in a CG pipeline are interested in when you are asked how many vertices your model has.
It is this weight that matters during a production because there will be a limit to the amount of faces in a scene which can be efficiently displayed when working, playing back animations and defining camera moves during a scene's creation. If the weight of your "Cage" for a background prop is 200,000 vertices you can guarantee it will be returned to you with an angry note!
The important exception to this is when asked by a Game designer what the weight of you model is, they generally mean the final converted and triangulated model they will receive. they do not care about the cage weight.
Not an industry term but I generally call this the "Game Weight".

The "Cage" for a pair of sunglasses

The same model with Sub-D modifier applied